The Proposal
In classic pilot thinking, Dan actually had two, competing and concurrent proposal planning efforts; Plan A (London) and Plan A' (D.C.). Both received equal levels of research and focus so that only the best would emerge as the winner. Dan consulted with many on these projects; some knew of Plan A and others Plan A', with only a trusted few knowing both. As the final month approached, Dan realized Plan A was definitely the way to go, and so, it was off to London!
In the Plan A planning, Dan reached out to Liz's British friend, Isis (not ISIS), to figure out how Liz could be maneuvered into a position at the top of Trafalgar Square (near where Dan and Liz went on their first date). Through the exchange of numerous emails and annotated Google Map screen shots of Trafalgar Square with hand drawn arrows, timelines, etc, (seriously-- one of many drafts below) the plan solidified: Isis would lure Liz to the top of the steps overlooking Trafalgar Square and Dan would emerge from the shadows with a ring! Now the big question: how to get Liz to London?
It just so happened that Liz was going to London on a work trip. Liz would stay the weekend with Isis and Dan would fly over to surprise her that Saturday. Things could not have worked out better for Dan! But, it wouldn't be "exciting" unless there was a hiccup in the plan (read: Liz). The day before Liz was to go to London for her work trip, she decided she really didn't need to stay the whole weekend. With only a few minutes before Liz had to commit to her airline ticket, she asked Dan if she should just come back on Friday. Dan very calmly said that Isis probably really wanted to see Liz, but that if she didn't want to stay in London that weekend, she should just come home that Friday. In the same breath, Dan was frantically typing on his keyboard to Liz's colleague Andrew telling him that, under penalty of severe physical harm, he could not allow Liz to change her plans. Whatever it took -- don't let her come back before Sunday! Simultaneously, Dan inundated Isis's email inbox with messages to call Liz and explain how excited Isis was to see Liz that Saturday. Then, just as easily as the thought to change her plans emerged, Liz decided it was probably good to stick to the plan and stay in London for the weekend. Upon hearing this, Dan took the afternoon off and went to the nearest bar...
And so the week went by, Dan made last minute preparations, and Liz longed to be back in sunny D.C. vs rainy London. The night before Dan was to leave for London, Liz's best friend (now Matron of Honor) Emily came over to help pack "going out clothes" for Liz so they could celebrate with a night on the town-- work attire wouldn't be appropriate for the aforementioned Tiger Tiger. The next day, Dan hopped on the first flight to London, tried to distract himself with in-flight movies, and rehearsed his proposal speech. At about the time he would have gotten out of work (6pm Eastern time / 10pm London time) Dan texted Liz saying that that his phone was not working and that he was "going out with the guys" so he probably wouldn't talk to her until Saturday afternoon (London time). And with that Dan, got a restful nap of about 3.7 hours before his nervousness woke him up again.
Saturday morning -- the day! Dan got dressed in the wee hours of the morning and walked to Trafalgar Square to do some reconnaissance. Other than a few street performers, the "stage" (aka - stairs) was set. Isis made sure to provide regular updates on their location as Liz, Isis, and Stu (husband to Isis) made their way to Trafalgar Square. Isis suggested she and Liz get a photo at the top of the stairs to send to Dan. While standing there waiting for Stu to take the picture, Isis slowly stepped back and looked over her right shoulder with a big smile as she slowly withdrew her own camera. Liz looked at Isis stepping back, then looked to her right to see what Isis was smiling at. That is when Liz saw someone in a good looking blue suit who looked remarkably like Dan strolling toward her. Liz then realized: it *is* Dan! "Hey babe," he said as the happy tears (a LOT of happy tears) came streaming down Liz's face. "What are you *doing* here?" was her only response. To that, Dan got down on one knee and after some carefully thought out and well delivered words, Liz said "YES" and now you are here reading this story :)
A huge thank you to Emily, Isis, Stu and everyone else for making our moment so special!!